
Language Shifts You Need to Make Today

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” We all know the saying.  Our opinion? Words can hurt ourselves and those around us. They’re the foundation of our thoughts, and these thoughts, in turn, shape our reality.

In a world saturated with constant communication, the power of language often gets lost in the noise. However, by being more conscious of the words we use, we can profoundly influence our mindset, our relationships, and our trajectory in life. In this blog, we’re diving into the impact language can have, guiding you towards a heightened awareness of your verbal expressions.

By mastering the subtleties of language, you can better navigate the complexities of human interaction and use this awareness to create a more positive, empowered path for yourself. Keep reading to discover how you can turn language into a tool for transformation.

The Background: Our Words Reflect Our Thinking Patterns

Our thoughts create our reality. The narratives we tell ourselves, whether positive or negative, can either empower us, or limit us. It’s our responsibility to be consciously aware of how we speak about ourselves, our teams, our clients, our projects, and our business.

The Cause & Effect: Your Words Influence Perceptions

Our language doesn’t just affect us internally — it plays a role in how others perceive us. For example, constantly downplaying your achievements can lead others to undervalue your work. Speaking with confidence and clarity, on the other hand, can inspire trust and respect. When’s the last time you reflected on your words, and evaluated the image they project?

Shifting the Narrative

When you say, “I’m too busy,” what message are you sending? This phrase, while common, often arises from a negative, scarcity-driven mindset. It can lead to a lack of appreciation for current work or a perceived lack of time. Instead, try reframing the thought as “My calendar is full,” which suggests abundance and prosperity.

Another common response, “I don’t have time to…” implies a deficit. A more empowering approach would be, “It’s not a priority right now.” This shifts the narrative and reinforces your commitment to prioritizing tasks that align with your goals.

Money Matters: Choose Your Words Wisely

Navigating discussions around money requires tact and sensitivity, especially on social media. Referring to something as “too expensive” can inadvertently diminish the perceived value of a product or service. Everyone operates within a budget, and it’s perfectly acceptable to state yours upfront. But it’s also essential to approach pricing discussions with an appreciation for the value being offered.

Rather than labeling a service as “cheap,” consider using terms like “cost-effective” or “affordable.” And remember, value isn’t just monetary. Experience, expertise, and efficiency also determine a service’s value.

Positive Self Talk: The Lumos Perspective

As someone who identifies as a young, female entrepreneur, I’ve often grappled with self doubt. However, continuously berating myself is counterproductive. Instead, I’ve started to shift the narrative. I’ve celebrated my growth and the lessons I’ve learned. 

I’m encouraging you too to embrace your strengths and acknowledge areas of improvement without self-deprecation. For example, rather than admitting defeat in an area of your business, you can reframe it as, “I recognize accounting isn’t my strength, which is why I’m outsourcing it to an expert.” 

Words, when used thoughtfully, can be transformative. By shifting how we talk about time, money, and ourselves, we can change our beliefs, influence our actions, and shape the quality of our interactions with others. We can craft stories that don’t just reflect our truths, but shape them in empowering ways. After all, isn’t it time our narratives truly served us?

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