goddess gather

Goddess Gathering

Client:  Brittany Carmichael, Business Coach and Self Love Guru

Need: Event coverage to highlight Goddess Gathering and to use as promotion for future events.


  • 3-hours of on-site event coverage
  • Captured testimonials
  • Produced a long-form highlight video in landscape format for website usage
  • Produced a short-form highlight video in portrait format for social media usage

Brittany hosts incredible events year-round. She needed video coverage to showcase the energy, impact and community her events hold. Her events include various sessions, from one-on-one consulting, to networking, breath work and a “burning the bullshit” ceremony.

She needed video documentation that reflected the transformative experience her attendees have. She also wanted these videos to highlight her recent event, while promoting her upcoming events to build awareness, generate hype, and convert ticket sales.

Here Are The Results:

Social Media Event Highlight

Main Event Highlight

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